Monday, September 20, 2004

It's not fair.
Today UncorrectedPersonalityTraitColleague had the gift of chocolate bestowed upon him by a grateful punter. It was a gift which he so does not deserve and which he conspicuously failed to share with his more deserving co-workers. Didn't bother me though. After all, there's a fair chance they'll turn out to be poisoned.

I, meanwhile, was required to spell 'paraphernalia'. Just because I stopped a 'gentleman of a certain age' in his tracks when he began to spell it for me with "I think I can manage that" in my best "There's no need to patronise me, I'm not illiterate" voice. He called my bluff didn't he?

To be on the safe side I googled, while keeping him talking. He was suitably impressed.

I'm not expecting any chocolate though.

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