Saturday, October 16, 2004

Things I remember from last night are ...

Talking about:
1) blogs

2) hair
3) The Great September Complaints Competition (Charlie won)
4) Cheeseheads
5) cheese

6) other cheeses

Being told, after asking for "just a redbull", that I'd ended up with 2 double vodka's and a redbull. Still not sure how that happened.

There was a dramatic reconstruction of the moment, in a hotel room in Boston, that I realised I'd left my purse in the rental car we'd dropped off an hour earlier. And the following (very long) moments.

There was something going on between Charlie & Leanne that I didn't understand. And some other stuff going on that I couldn't comprehend. It's probably best not to know too much about some things that happen on Leaving Do's.

But no one got hit. As far as I'm aware...

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