Wednesday, January 12, 2005

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu...(hours of 9 to 5 anyhow)

17.12 On Time
Thanks to Central IT's 'naughty word filter' software picking up on the fact that I have been visiting
Zoe in my lunch hour the blogsphere has been discovered and blogs are to be officially prescribed "off limits". Central IT, in their infinite wisdom, are classifying blogs as 'chat rooms' therefore 'inappropriate usage'. I can no longer take a quick peek at JonnyB's latest faux pas, or even try to work out which universe Tim is currently inhabiting.
I can still read the Guardian, so should be thankful for small mercies I suppose.

Meanwhile, in the real world, sense has prevailed:

To all Staff: Tsunami Disaster Fund Raising Event - The Ducking Stool
The decision has been made to cancel the above event as it may be considered inappropriate to stage an event involving water to raise funds for aid in the aftermath of a Tsunami.

I think it was the drowning element that was inappropriate, but whatever.

Too Much Love - Belle & Sebastian
Hey Girl - The Delays
Something For The Weekend - Divine Comedy
Starry-Eyed - Cinerama
Boys Don't Cry - The Cure
Newborn - Elbow
Goodhorsehymn - Hope Of The States
Hysteria - Muse


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