Wednesday, January 24, 2007

8.10 Ten Minutes Late
An Orange Girl with a squashed doll face spent the journey applying mascara and playing with her hair extensions while, opposite, a fifteen year old boy was using up a lifetime of wishes in an attempt to become invisible.

Pulling into the station I gathered up my belongings and stepped into the aisle.
The woman to my left squeezed herself into the space behind me, her suitcase digging into the back of my knees, handbag pressing into the small of my back. She was making damn sure no one snuck off in front of her and no mistake.

When the doors opened I did a thing I never do, not ever - stood back and smiled and motioned "No, after you" to the two passengers waiting patiently in their seats in front of me.

How passive aggressive have you been today?

Bottoms Of Barrels - Tilly & The Wall


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