Wednesday, February 06, 2008

" were always weird but I never had to hold you by the edges like I do now"

17.12 On Time
"I think everything counts a little more than we think"

If there were any kind of justice in the world my 'real' job, would be listening to The National. It is something I have recently become very good at. As it is, quite frankly, the hours between nine and five are unproductive, dead and wasted hours. I close my eyes and wish my way through them.

"You know I dreamed about you
for twenty-nine years before I saw you
You know I dreamed about you
I missed you for
for twenty-nine years"

Yesterday morning the train was delayed. While the Conductor apologised for the disruption, I was overjoyed. It meant a whole ten extra minutes of pure bliss before life closed in and everything turned grey. Right now it seems unlikely that I will ever need to hear anything else; that I could ever take so much delight in any other music.

"oh you wouldn’t want an angel watching over you
surprise, surprise they wouldn’t wannna watch
another uninnocent, elegant fall into the unmagnificent lives of adults"

The greatest joy of all comes from knowing that I will.

"...hang your holiday rainbow lights in the garden"

Boxer - The National

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